Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I cannot believe my baby girl is 1 today! I am so conflicted....thrilled that you continue to grow and develop and amaze me every day. And sad that I won't have any more babies to snuggle and hold. I guess that is the definition of a mama. Maybe you'll find it in your heart to lavish me with hugs and kisses from time to time.... :-)

You are going to walk any minute now. In fact, it could be happening at school as we speak! You are so ready. You find so much joy in being able to quickly stand up and then stand on your own for a few seconds! It is so cute. Your whole world is going to change. Or maybe that's my world..... :-) The freedom we both will find in your ability to walk will be amazing! For you, it will open up so many doors! You'll be able to do pretty much everything your sister can do, and for me it will mean I don't have to carry you around or hold onto you when we're outside watching Hadley ride her bike. You'll be able to run around behind her! (Or in front of her as the case may be!)

I tried very hard to find you a cake with a frog on it. I can't find one. I thought about making you one, and then quickly thought better of that idea. Your party is Saturday - come 4 p.m. you will have some sort of frog-themed cake. I promise. Saturday's attendees include Uncle Brad - your one and only God Parent (at the moment anyway), Aunt Lolly, Uncle Dero, Aunt Mags and Bodhi and of course, your Ba. It should be fun!

I get all teary just thinking about how much I love you. Slow down the growing up a little bit, would ya?


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