My sweet sweet BEAR!! My heart aches a bit as I write this. I no longer have any babies…you’re officially becoming a toddler.
First of all – let me shout something from the rooftops: YOU’RE EATING SOLIDS LIKE A CHAMP!!!!! And I mean all solids: you not only take food from a spoon (VOILA!!) but you eat chicken, beans, peas (sometimes), sausage, bagels, bananas, and your favorite…french fries!! It is such a relief to know you won’t be 4 years old taking only bottles of milk. Ha.
And though you may have been slow to start all your gross motor development you sure are making up time now! You went from doing nothing from your Larson Belly Crawl to “almost cruising” during the 2 weeks your daddy was in China! He was so amazed when he came home – you were a completely different baby girl! Oh – and did I mention you got all 4 of your upper teeth during this time, too? So your entire face changed! You’re adorable.
We’re less than a month away from the big FIRST BIRTHDAY! In fact, I ordered your invitations today. I want to put you in the freezer and cheer you on at the same time.
BTW - did I mention that you fell down the stairs? Yep - that's right. One night while your daddy was in China the three of us were upstairs getting you ready for bath. I thought you were right behind me in the bathroom, but I turned around and both of you were gone. Hads opened the door to get something out of your room, and apparently you decided to take a trip down the stairs! You rolled ass over tea-kettle almost all the way down, but somehow miraculously stopped yourself in the sitting position on the second-to-last step. I almost threw up, grabbed you and started crying. I am such a delinquent mother. I still haven't told your daddy.....
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