Oh my sweet baby girl. This has been a really rough month for you! You have essentially been sick for the entire month. It all started when Nana and Papa were here. You got a cough and a super stuffy nose. That turned into a really bad cough and a really runny nose. Which turned into a fever. Which turned into pneumonia. We are now 3 1/2 weeks into you being sick. I think you're on the mend now. Nothing like a giant dose of gross-tasting antibiotics to kick it to the curb! (by the way - you really HATE the antibiotics. You gag and choke every time we try to give it to you!)
But on the positive side of things, you also managed to reach a few key milestones. You started solid foods (cereal, mainly) - but due to the aforementioned illness, you haven't really progressed much in that area. And you can also sit up by yourself now! Every once in a while you topple over, so we keep pillows around you when we're not sitting next to you, but overall, you are one strong little girl. You love playing on the toy piano - especially because you can sit upright and play it all by yourself now!
Even through all the stuffy noses and late nights not sleeping, you still manage to be one of the cutest, sweetest and most loving little girls in the whole world. Your little toothless grin would drag me out of bed every hour on the hour if you needed me.
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