OHHHHHHHHHHH you are growing up so fast! You - quite possibly the most scrumptious baby on the planet. You discovered your knees. I mean, that you can get up on them to see what marvelous things have been out of your reach all this time. You aren't crawling yet - you still seem to prefer the Larson Baby mode of transportation on your belly. But you're THRILLED with the prospect of being able to reach up and grab the top of the busy zoo and all it's magical delights, and your new found affinity for crawling up and over our laps as we sit with you on the ground, and .... here's the big one.... THE STAIRS!! OH THE JOY!!! You love the stairs. Except you're not quite strong enough to navigate them by yourself. (Really - you're not even close). But oh how you'll try! If we aren't paying attention, you will scoot your way into the dining room and before we know it you are up on your knees with your hands on the first step contemplating your next move. Hadley loves this game! She scrambles up to the top of the stairs and tries to encourage you climb up. And since you worship her every move, you squeel with delight at the prospect of actually reaching her on your own. It's so great!
You're also getting what appears to be multiple top teeth. It's weird though - I can see them, but I can't feel them. I am so anxious to see what kind of smile you'll end up with.
One of the sadder developments of the past month has been that we discovered you are constipated. Or at least you have very.hard.poops. And as your mommy and daddy it is awful to watch. It isn't everyday, but quite often. So we've resorted to giving you a bit of prune juice in your morning bottle. We had to experiment with the amount..... let's just say I've done a lot of laundry over the past month. :-) But I think we've got it down now, and it appears to be working. We've decided to just keep this going for a while since you don't object and seeing you struggle in pain when you are constipated is just heart-breaking. I really hope you grow out of it!
You are such a beautiful little girl. Your huge blue eyes, silky blond hair and china-doll skin melt my heart. Well, that and your unbelievably advanced gift for understanding the power of a hug.
You are one snuggly girl.